
Hear From Our Customers!

Margaret grew the photo submission rate by 75%

Margaret @ ODU

“If you’re a card office director that wants to eliminate long lines, improve team morale, be able to interact w/ happy incoming freshman, and save money in your budget for other things, then CloudCard is perfect for you! The photo submission rate grew by 75% the 1st summer and it impacted the Card Center Budget because I no longer had to pay overtime for staff staying until 8pm on Orientation days. CloudCard is by far one of the best and my favorite vendors. The product and service that is provided is worth every penny. I have shared with my Asst. Vice President, that if CloudCard goes away, then I will probably not be too far behind.


Rachel grew first photo approval by 15%.”

Rachel @ BYU

“My first reaction to the CloudCard software was that it worked very well and was very easy to use. It allows the student to send us a photo that they themselves have picked rather than having us try to take a photo over and over and over again and still end up with a photo that they don't really like. It’s increased student satisfaction with the experience and it has just relieved some of the stress at those busy times. The rollout of background removal has been a fantastic help to getting more photos that we can use right off the bat. Since we've implemented background removal our first photo approval percentage has gone up 15%.

Daniel de-cluttered his email inbox

Daniel @ SHSU

“We had a home grown system that was okay, but there were lots of varying technical issues that would arise and no one really had a clear answer on how to solve the problems. We are now able to seamlessly service online students with CloudCard Online Photo Submission. Our inbox is much less cluttered and with little marketing efforts, we were able to use the CloudCard system to successfully approve and download almost 5,000 photos this past summer.


Matt increased student satisfaction

Matt @ Pacific

“People love submitting their photos and the administrators at our campus in Sacramento love the convenience!”

Jen cut photo processing to 30 seconds/student

Jen @ Georgian

“I'd say that our processing time has cut down from about 3.5 minutes or so per student to closer to 30 seconds per student. The majority of our photos can now be approved immediately, which allows us to spend more time focusing on serving the students and less time on back and forth with rejections and follow-up emails. CloudCard is perfect for any office that needs to create a photo ID or verify someone's identity. I would say another really important thing to know when considering CloudCard is their customer service. When we have questions we receive answers almost immediately - definitely the same day. I couldn't be happier with the service that they provide us.